On the dawn of the 67th year of our club, the mantle of change took on new guard at our club with precision on 7th July 2016.

Chief Guest PDG Rtn. Benjamin Cherian from RI district 3230 and Guest of Honor AG Rtn. Vikramdatta witnessed the installation of the office bearers.

The new office bearers are Rtn. PHF Venkatesh Pai as President, Rtn. PHF Vasanth Shenoy as Vice President, Rtn. PHF Prasanna Shenoy as Secretary, Rtn. PHF Satindra Rao as Treasurer, Rtn. PHF Oswald D’silva as Dir. International Service, Rtn. Dr. Siddarth Shetty as Dir. Community Service, Rtn. Prof. Radhakrishna as Dir. Vocational Service, Rtn. Vinod D’Souza as Dir. Youth Service. Rtn. Sanjiva Pujary as Sergeant at Arms & Rtn. PHF Yathish Baikampady as Immediate Past President.

In his acceptance speech, President Venkatesh Pai expressed pride in the fact that he is a 3rd generation Rotarian in this club with his grandfather being the founder and charter secretary of our club. He declared that this year would be the “Year of the Child”, with most programmes designed to have children as beneficiaries. He thanked the club members, sought the support and blessings of all senior members, past presidents, PDGs and his team to have a great Rotary year.

The event was attended by district and zonal officials, presidents & secretaries of other clubs, special invitees of the board and club, members and their families.